Loop over and display JSON data

This page tests displaying data from multiple local JSON files.



<pre><ref *1> {
  site: {
    host: 'https://enchanting-malabi-4c2a4e.netlify.app/',
    name: '11ty starter website',
    language: 'en',
    environment: 'production',
    db_host: undefined,
    db_user: undefined,
    db_password: undefined
  foo: { bar: { variable13: 'value13' } },
  myStatic: 'static',
  myFunction: 2023-05-20T05:50:42.780Z,
  eleventy: {
    version: '2.0.0',
    generator: 'Eleventy v2.0.0',
    env: {
      source: 'cli',
      config: '/opt/build/repo/.eleventy.js',
      root: '/opt/build/repo',
      isServerless: false
  pkg: {
    name: 'eleventy-poc',
    version: '1.0.0',
    description: '',
    main: 'index.js',
    scripts: {
      test: 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1',
      start: 'npx @11ty/eleventy --serve'
    keywords: [],
    author: '',
    license: 'ISC',
    devDependencies: { '@11ty/eleventy': '^2.0.0-canary.23' },
    dependencies: {
      '@11ty/eleventy-fetch': '^3.0.0',
      dotenv: '^16.0.3',
      'netlify-plugin-cache': '^1.0.3'
  variable1: 'a',
  variable2: 'value2',
  eleventyComputed: { datum: [Function: datum] },
  items: [ { title: 'foo', id: 1 }, { title: 'bar', id: 2 } ],
  menu: { id: 'file', value: 'File', popup: { menuitem: [Array] } },
  layout: 'default.njk',
  title: 'Loop over and display JSON data',
  page: {
    date: 2023-05-20T05:50:26.621Z,
    inputPath: './src/test4/test4.njk',
    fileSlug: 'test4',
    filePathStem: '/test4/test4',
    outputFileExtension: 'html',
    templateSyntax: 'njk',
    url: '/test4/',
    outputPath: 'www/test4/index.html'
  collections: {
    all: [
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
  datum: [Circular *1]
site.environment = production